HashSet에서 실제 항목을 검색하는 방법

itqueen 2020. 10. 19. 13:47

HashSet에서 실제 항목을 검색하는 방법?

왜 불가능한 지에 대한 이 질문을 읽었 지만 문제에 대한 해결책을 찾지 못했습니다.

.NET에서 항목을 검색하고 싶습니다 HashSet<T>. 이 서명이있는 방법을 찾고 있습니다.

/// <summary>
/// Determines if this set contains an item equal to <paramref name="item"/>, 
/// according to the comparison mechanism that was used when the set was created. 
/// The set is not changed. If the set does contain an item equal to 
/// <paramref name="item"/>, then the item from the set is returned.
/// </summary>
bool TryGetItem<T>(T item, out T foundItem);

이러한 방법으로 항목 집합을 검색하면 O (1)이됩니다. a에서 항목을 검색하는 유일한 방법 HashSet<T>은 O (n) 인 모든 항목을 열거하는 것입니다.

본인은이 문제 다음 내 자신을 만들기 위해 어떤 해결 방법을 찾을 수있다 HashSet<T>또는를 사용합니다 Dictionary<K, V>. 다른 생각은 없나요?

참고 : 에 항목
HashSet<T>포함되어 있는지 확인하고 싶지 않습니다 . 항목 HashSet<T>을 업데이트해야하므로에 저장된 항목에 대한 참조를 얻고 싶습니다 (다른 인스턴스로 대체하지 않음). 내가 전달할 항목은 TryGetItem동일하지만 (생성자에게 전달한 비교 메커니즘에 따라) 동일한 참조가 아닙니다.

요청하신 내용은 1 년 전에 .NET Core 에 추가 되었으며 최근 .NET 4.7.2에 추가되었습니다 .

.NET Framework 4.7.2에서는 다음과 같이 새로운 기능을 활성화하는 몇 가지 API를 표준 컬렉션 유형에 추가했습니다.
- 'TryGetValue'가 SortedSet 및 HashSet에 추가되어 다른 컬렉션 유형에서 사용되는 Try 패턴과 일치합니다.

서명은 다음과 같습니다 (.NET 4.7.2 이상에 있음).

    // Summary:
    //     Searches the set for a given value and returns the equal value it finds, if any.
    // Parameters:
    //   equalValue:
    //     The value to search for.
    //   actualValue:
    //     The value from the set that the search found, or the default value of T when
    //     the search yielded no match.
    // Returns:
    //     A value indicating whether the search was successful.
    public bool TryGetValue(T equalValue, out T actualValue);

추신 : 관심이 있으시면 앞으로 추가 할 관련 기능이 있습니다 -HashSet.GetOrAdd (T).

이것은 실제로 컬렉션 세트에서 큰 누락입니다. 키 사전 또는 객체 참조 검색을 허용하는 HashSet이 필요합니다. 너무 많은 사람들이 그것을 요구 해왔고, 왜 그것이 고쳐지지 않는지는 저를 넘어선 것입니다.

타사 라이브러리가 없으면 Dictionary<T, T>Dictionary가 항목을 해시 테이블로 저장하기 때문에 값과 동일한 키 를 사용하는 것이 가장 좋습니다 . 성능면에서는 HashSet과 동일하지만 물론 메모리를 낭비합니다 (항목 당 포인터 크기).

Dictionary<T, T> myHashedCollection;
    item = myHashedCollection[item]; //replace duplicate
    myHashedCollection.Add(item, item); //add previously unknown item
//work with unique item

이 메서드는 .NET Framework 4.7.2 (및 이전 .NET Core 2.0 )에 추가되었습니다. 참조하십시오 HashSet<T>.TryGetValue. 출처 인용 :

/// <summary>
/// Searches the set for a given value and returns the equal value it finds, if any.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="equalValue">The value to search for.
/// </param>
/// <param name="actualValue">
/// The value from the set that the search found, or the default value
/// of <typeparamref name="T"/> when the search yielded no match.</param>
/// <returns>A value indicating whether the search was successful.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This can be useful when you want to reuse a previously stored reference instead of 
/// a newly constructed one (so that more sharing of references can occur) or to look up
/// a value that has more complete data than the value you currently have, although their
/// comparer functions indicate they are equal.
/// </remarks>
public bool TryGetValue(T equalValue, out T actualValue)

문자열 같음 비교자를 오버로드하는 것은 어떻습니까?

  class StringEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<String>
    public string val1;
    public bool Equals(String s1, String s2)
        if (!s1.Equals(s2)) return false;
        val1 = s1;
        return true;

    public int GetHashCode(String s)
        return s.GetHashCode();
public static class HashSetExtension
    public static bool TryGetValue(this HashSet<string> hs, string value, out string valout)
        if (hs.Contains(value))
            valout=(hs.Comparer as StringEqualityComparer).val1;
            return true;
            valout = null;
            return false;

그런 다음 HashSet을 다음과 같이 선언하십시오.

HashSet<string> hs = new HashSet<string>(new StringEqualityComparer());

또 다른 트릭은 InternalIndexOfHashSet 의 내부 기능에 액세스하여 Reflection을 수행 합니다. 필드 이름은 하드 코딩되므로 향후 .NET 버전에서 변경되면 중단됩니다. 다음 솔루션은 하나의 특정 유형 (예 : 문자열) 만 지원하지만 일반화 할 수도 있습니다.

public static class Extensions
    private static Func<HashSet<string>, string, string> getHashSetInternalValue;

    static Extensions()
        ParameterExpression targetExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(HashSet<string>), "target");
        ParameterExpression itemExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "item");

        var slotsExp = Expression.Field(targetExp, typeof(HashSet<string>).GetField("m_slots", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance));

        var indexExp = Expression.Call(targetExp, typeof(HashSet<string>).GetMethod("InternalIndexOf", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance), itemExp);

        var slotExp = Expression.ArrayAccess(slotsExp, indexExp);
        var valueExp = Expression.Field(slotExp, "value");

        var testExp = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(indexExp, Expression.Constant(0));
        var conditionExp = Expression.Condition(testExp, valueExp, Expression.Constant(null, typeof(string)));

        getHashSetInternalValue = Expression.Lambda<Func<HashSet<string>, string, string>>(conditionExp, new[] { targetExp, itemExp }).Compile();

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the internal item value equal to <paramref name="item"/> or null if <paramref name="item"/> is not contained
    /// </summary>
    public static string GetInternalValue(this HashSet<string> hashet, string item)
        return getHashSetInternalValue(hashet, item);


var set = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { "TABLE" };
var intern = set.GetInternalValue("table"); 

Console.WriteLine(intern); // prints "TABLE"

자, 이렇게 할 수 있습니다

YourObject x = yourHashSet.Where(w => w.Name.Contains("strin")).FirstOrDefault();

선택한 개체의 새 인스턴스를 가져 오는 것입니다. 개체를 업데이트하려면 다음을 사용해야합니다.

yourHashSet.Where(w => w.Name.Contains("strin")).FirstOrDefault().MyProperty = "something";

이제 .NET Core 2.0에는이 정확한 방법이 있습니다.

HashSet.TryGetValue (T, T) 메서드

SortedSet은 옵션을 사용하는 경우 해당 상황에서 O (log n) 조회 시간을 가질 수 있습니다. 여전히 O (1)은 아니지만 적어도 더 좋습니다.

@ mp666 응답의 구현을 수정하여 모든 유형의 HashSet에 사용할 수 있으며 기본 같음 비교자를 재정의 할 수 있습니다.

public interface IRetainingComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
    T Key { get; }
    void ClearKeyCache();

/// <summary>
/// An <see cref="IEqualityComparer{T}"/> that retains the last key that successfully passed <see cref="IEqualityComparer{T}.Equals(T,T)"/>.
/// This class relies on the fact that <see cref="HashSet{T}"/> calls the <see cref="IEqualityComparer{T}.Equals(T,T)"/> with the first parameter
/// being an existing element and the second parameter being the one passed to the initiating call to <see cref="HashSet{T}"/> (eg. <see cref="HashSet{T}.Contains(T)"/>).
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object being compared.</typeparam>
/// <remarks>This class is thread-safe but may should not be used with any sort of parallel access (PLINQ).</remarks>
public class RetainingEqualityComparerObject<T> : IRetainingComparer<T> where T : class
    private readonly IEqualityComparer<T> _comparer;

    private static WeakReference<T> _retained;

    public RetainingEqualityComparerObject(IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
        _comparer = comparer;

    /// <summary>
    /// The retained instance on side 'a' of the <see cref="Equals"/> call which successfully met the equality requirement agains side 'b'.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Uses a <see cref="WeakReference{T}"/> so unintended memory leaks are not encountered.</remarks>
    public T Key
            T retained;
            return _retained == null ? null : _retained.TryGetTarget(out retained) ? retained : null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the retained <see cref="Key"/> to the default value.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>This should be called prior to performing an operation that calls <see cref="Equals"/>.</remarks>
    public void ClearKeyCache()
        _retained = _retained ?? new WeakReference<T>(null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Test two objects of type <see cref="T"/> for equality retaining the object if successful.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="a">An instance of <see cref="T"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="b">A second instance of <see cref="T"/> to compare against <paramref name="a"/>.</param>
    /// <returns>True if <paramref name="a"/> and <paramref name="b"/> are equal, false otherwise.</returns>
    public bool Equals(T a, T b)
        if (!_comparer.Equals(a, b))
            return false;

        _retained = _retained ?? new WeakReference<T>(null);
        return true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the hash code value of an instance of <see cref="T"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="o">The instance of <see cref="T"/> to obtain a hash code from.</param>
    /// <returns>The hash code value from <paramref name="o"/>.</returns>
    public int GetHashCode(T o)
        return _comparer.GetHashCode(o);

/// <summary>
/// An <see cref="IEqualityComparer{T}"/> that retains the last key that successfully passed <see cref="IEqualityComparer{T}.Equals(T,T)"/>.
/// This class relies on the fact that <see cref="HashSet{T}"/> calls the <see cref="IEqualityComparer{T}.Equals(T,T)"/> with the first parameter
/// being an existing element and the second parameter being the one passed to the initiating call to <see cref="HashSet{T}"/> (eg. <see cref="HashSet{T}.Contains(T)"/>).
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object being compared.</typeparam>
/// <remarks>This class is thread-safe but may should not be used with any sort of parallel access (PLINQ).</remarks>
public class RetainingEqualityComparerStruct<T> : IRetainingComparer<T> where T : struct 
    private readonly IEqualityComparer<T> _comparer;

    private static T _retained;

    public RetainingEqualityComparerStruct(IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
        _comparer = comparer;

    /// <summary>
    /// The retained instance on side 'a' of the <see cref="Equals"/> call which successfully met the equality requirement agains side 'b'.
    /// </summary>
    public T Key => _retained;

    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the retained <see cref="Key"/> to the default value.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>This should be called prior to performing an operation that calls <see cref="Equals"/>.</remarks>
    public void ClearKeyCache()
        _retained = default(T);

    /// <summary>
    /// Test two objects of type <see cref="T"/> for equality retaining the object if successful.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="a">An instance of <see cref="T"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="b">A second instance of <see cref="T"/> to compare against <paramref name="a"/>.</param>
    /// <returns>True if <paramref name="a"/> and <paramref name="b"/> are equal, false otherwise.</returns>
    public bool Equals(T a, T b)
        if (!_comparer.Equals(a, b))
            return false;

        _retained = a;
        return true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the hash code value of an instance of <see cref="T"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="o">The instance of <see cref="T"/> to obtain a hash code from.</param>
    /// <returns>The hash code value from <paramref name="o"/>.</returns>
    public int GetHashCode(T o)
        return _comparer.GetHashCode(o);

/// <summary>
/// Provides TryGetValue{T} functionality similar to that of <see cref="IDictionary{TKey,TValue}"/>'s implementation.
/// </summary>
public class ExtendedHashSet<T> : HashSet<T>
    /// <summary>
    /// This class is guaranteed to wrap the <see cref="IEqualityComparer{T}"/> with one of the <see cref="IRetainingComparer{T}"/>
    /// implementations so this property gives convenient access to the interfaced comparer.
    /// </summary>
    private IRetainingComparer<T> RetainingComparer => (IRetainingComparer<T>)Comparer;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates either a <see cref="RetainingEqualityComparerStruct{T}"/> or <see cref="RetainingEqualityComparerObject{T}"/>
    /// depending on if <see cref="T"/> is a reference type or a value type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="comparer">(optional) The <see cref="IEqualityComparer{T}"/> to wrap. This will be set to <see cref="EqualityComparer{T}.Default"/> if none provided.</param>
    /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="IRetainingComparer{T}"/>.</returns>
    private static IRetainingComparer<T> Create(IEqualityComparer<T> comparer = null)
        return (IRetainingComparer<T>) (typeof(T).IsValueType ? 
                .MakeGenericType(typeof(T)), comparer ?? EqualityComparer<T>.Default)
                .MakeGenericType(typeof(T)), comparer ?? EqualityComparer<T>.Default));

    public ExtendedHashSet() : base(Create())

    public ExtendedHashSet(IEqualityComparer<T> comparer) : base(Create(comparer))

    public ExtendedHashSet(IEnumerable<T> collection) : base(collection, Create())

    public ExtendedHashSet(IEnumerable<T> collection, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer) : base(collection, Create(comparer))

    /// <summary>
    /// Attempts to find a key in the <see cref="HashSet{T}"/> and, if found, places the instance in <paramref name="original"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="value">The key used to search the <see cref="HashSet{T}"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="original">
    /// The matched instance from the <see cref="HashSet{T}"/> which is not neccessarily the same as <paramref name="value"/>.
    /// This will be set to null for reference types or default(T) for value types when no match found.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>True if a key in the <see cref="HashSet{T}"/> matched <paramref name="value"/>, False if no match found.</returns>
    public bool TryGetValue(T value, out T original)
        var comparer = RetainingComparer;

        if (Contains(value))
            original = comparer.Key;
            return true;

        original = default(T);
        return false;

public static class HashSetExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Attempts to find a key in the <see cref="HashSet{T}"/> and, if found, places the instance in <paramref name="original"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="hashSet">The instance of <see cref="HashSet{T}"/> extended.</param>
    /// <param name="value">The key used to search the <see cref="HashSet{T}"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="original">
    /// The matched instance from the <see cref="HashSet{T}"/> which is not neccessarily the same as <paramref name="value"/>.
    /// This will be set to null for reference types or default(T) for value types when no match found.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>True if a key in the <see cref="HashSet{T}"/> matched <paramref name="value"/>, False if no match found.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="hashSet"/> is null.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
    /// If <paramref name="hashSet"/> does not have a <see cref="HashSet{T}.Comparer"/> of type <see cref="IRetainingComparer{T}"/>.
    /// </exception>
    public static bool TryGetValue<T>(this HashSet<T> hashSet, T value, out T original)
        if (hashSet == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hashSet));

        if (hashSet.Comparer.GetType().IsInstanceOfType(typeof(IRetainingComparer<T>)))
            throw new ArgumentException($"HashSet must have an equality comparer of type '{nameof(IRetainingComparer<T>)}' to use this functionality", nameof(hashSet));

        var comparer = (IRetainingComparer<T>)hashSet.Comparer;

        if (hashSet.Contains(value))
            original = comparer.Key;
            return true;

        original = default(T);
        return false;

HashSet에는 Contains (T) 메서드가 있습니다.

사용자 정의 비교 방법이 필요한 경우 IEqualityComparer 를 지정할 수 있습니다 (예 : 사람 객체를 저장하지만 동등성 비교를 위해 SSN 사용).

ToList () 메서드를 사용하여 인덱서를 적용 할 수도 있습니다.

HashSet<string> mySet = new HashSet();
string key = mySet.toList()[0];

참고 URL :
